
Thursday, 31 July 2014

3-2-1 Cite Challenge July

So after DearMYRTLE did a Wacky Wednesday hangout showing how easy it was to help with indexing at Family Search and with the Worldwide Indexing day in the offing I signed up to start indexing. I have tried to keep the post short but 1 paragraph per project was as short as I could manage.

3 Projects

US, Mississippi—Enumeration of Educable Children, 1850–1892, 1908–1957 [Part A]

US, Florida—Obituaries, 1980–2014 [Part C]

UK, Manchester—Parish Registers, 1787–1999 [Part A]


Although this challenge only required the submission of 2 batches I have to date submitted a total of 724 records and over 20 batches.
The Enumeration of Educable Children was a typed document easy to read but after arbitration I realised I had not read the instructions for the project thoroughly and included surnames for children which were not specified in the document.
I tried an English batch which was marked at advanced and struggled as it was handwritten and appeared to be written in Latin. I returned this batch for someone more experienced. The other English batch was a beginner's level and these are handwritten on pre-printed pages. Some have a birth date and a baptism date recorded on the page which could cause confusion. I have feedback on some entries including one where I thought a name should be Ritchie but because the t was not crossed it read as Rilchie it has been arbitrated as Ritchie.
I have submitted several different batches of obituaries and they can all be different. Even within batches each image may have variable amounts of extractable data. The biggest problems I had with obituaries are maiden names for women, or a sentence such as Lynn wife of John Snow should Lynn be recorded with the surname Snow or just the first name.